'Twas the night before a Mogambo Christmas



Ho Ho Ho, so says Mogambo!

‘Twas the day before Christmas in the bankrupt US
Mogambo and Ron Paul are playing chess
Talk turns to gold, silver and oil
And Mogambo's blood begins to boil

This market manipulation has gone on too long
What they're doing to the middle class is entirely wrong!
"Simmer down", say Ron, "and finish your lunch
Don't get your panties all up in a bunch
The day is soon coming when it'll all collapse
This is nothing more than the Fed playing craps"

But I'm getting hate mail from all over the planet
The Feds have destroyed my good reputation, damn it

The Keynesian morons are the writers of hate
Not the Austrians, by the way Mogambo, Checkmate!

Checkmate indeed, roared Mogambo with a laugh
Feds printing currency, what a terrible gaffe
You my friend Ron, know all too well
Our fiat currency they've shot to hell
Even Satan's status has been raised a notch
What's this world coming to? Son of a beyotch!

Inflation is roaring, John Williams says so
My bottles of booze are costing more dough

Less money for your family, they're sure to be sad
And you, my tightwad friend, grow increasingly mad
You're scaring your neighbors, they're bolting their doors
Preparing for another of your Mogambo wars

Sandbags are being stacked six feet high
As bursts of awesome firepower are certainly nigh
Barbeques and garbage cans being pulled out of range
In a much to quiet calm, eerie and strange

Mothers and toddlers down in a hunker
As Mogambo struts off to his underground bunker
Pizza and porn, bullets galore
All the things Mogambo adores

A calm Mogambo is certainly desired
Just ask my wife, recently retired
Sending me off to my bunker of doom
Says she can't take anymore MG gloom

I don't let on but I'm happy to appease
As I mumble some cuss words and make her say please

The steel reinforced walls of this bunker so fine
And yummy pork products on which to dine
Calm the raw nerves of this mountain of a man
And now he must develop a brand new plan

There'll be no bullets flying this Christmas Eve
I wish I could say the same for Tel-Aviv

Closing the door to the world outside
Drinking beer until he becomes cross-eyed
Mogambo will settle in for a nice quiet night
Too tired and weary to continue the fight

With a taco in one hand and beer in another
He raises a toast, "I'll tell you this brother
Buy gold, silver and oil, as much as you can
Timeless wisdom of the Mogambo Investment Plan
My advice to you is always free
And so easy to do, I just have to say Whee!"

Merry Christmas ~ Mogambo Guru & JMR Doug